Reading and Writing Superstars!
What a pleasure it was to celebrate the wonderful Literacy work that our students had been completing this half term. Congratulations to all who managed to hit their reading target for Term 1B. We have lots of dedicated and skilled readers who have been working very hard! A special mention to Antony in Y7 who managed to hit two million words and Niamh who is our first Y6 to hit one million words! Amazing achievements.
We also had a fantastic Christmas Writing Competition which saw our students completing persuasive letters, recounts, poetry and stories all based on the theme of winter and Christmas. We saw some amazing work produced and struggled to decide on winners in each class. Well done to Erin (Y1), Bhavya and Hayven (Y2), Cece (Y3), Ronan (Y4), Agnes (Y5), Aideen (Y6) and Niamh (Y6/7). Enjoy your sweets!